My scar

Written: Saara Kanana

My scar
Left behind by the pain I endured,
Reminding me of the day events that had happened,
Every time I look at it,
As if the pain alone was not enough,
Only that it pains no more.

Although the wound healed,
And all pain ceased,
The scar remains,
How could I let slip of the cause?
Only that it hurts no more.

I didn’t think I could get over it,
I felt the pain when I did,
And I just wanted it all to end,
Now I smile when I look at it,
Because I know I survived,

As farther in the past the pain is,
With time it became part of me,
A reminder of what it took to get here,
It is the price I had to pay,
I can only be proud for I overcame.


  1. We are more than conquerors and the power is within us fam. They say time heals all wounds and unfortunately we are left with no choice but to have the scars which still reminds us of our past. But this is a good piece of writing, atleast it will sit as proof to those who don't believe in the power of healing. That healing endures with time, and its a whole process. May it remind them that no matter the circumstance/s, no matter how long the pain may last , it will one day come to an end and ofcourse with a lesson learnt.

  2. This is awesome daughter. Keep on writing more poems please. ❤️😊


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