Part 25

A thousand pieces

I was woken up the following day by the smell of bacon which Hilma was making for breakfast. I made up the bed, washed my face and joined her in the kitchen.

She was trying so hard to avoid last night's conversation by telling many jokes, I couldn't stop laughing but she didn't have to try because she had no idea how I felt.

I never believed that crying is so relieving until this morning, I didn't believe Hilma last night when she said that it will be fine when wake up. I guess it takes experience to believe something. I feel like I had been carrying a heavy object which was lifted from my shoulders and my heart.

The little droplets of water that escaped my eyes healed me, my tears fixed me.

My life unfolded like spring always find a way to turn even the coldest winter  into a field of green and flowers and a new life. Everything was unclear until this moment, I held on to the past that I forgot about the present, I forgot that I still have a life to live, that I can start over and that the breath in me will give me strength to sew my broken pieces together.

I gave Alex more than he deserved, I gave him all that I was and I didn't realise that I was betraying myself in the process. I didn't make provision for heartbreak, even when he told me that the only thing he does is short flings. I was too blind to see past his truth and it tore me apart.

Hilma: (After we had breakfast) How about we go for window shopping, it's good for therapy

Me: I don't need therapy sis and plus I have to go to campus to sort out my hostel registration.

Hilma: I know that's just you being stubborn but you will feel better after the shopping spree and you can do your registration tomorrow

Me: Okay, how about you use your contacts at campus so they sort out my account, then we can go shopping after that?
Me: Please say yes

Hilma: Only because you insist and because we have to do that therapeutic shopping.

Hilma: You should be in the shower already since you never finish.
She contacted her friends at campus and everything was done before we even got there so we only picked up my key.

The plan was that we first go to Grove mall, and have lunch at Dros but we were so tired from  walking up and down that we settled in at Mugg and Bean. We both got lost in our own world since we were hungry and tired. I broke the silence while we were waiting for our order;

Me: You are probably not going to believe this but I'm actually fine and I know you have been avoiding this conversation out of pity, you don't have to worry about me or arrange therapy for me

Hilma: What? How did that happen? It was just last night that you couldn't even stand up to take a step to the bedroom

Me: You told me to let it all out so I guess my tears healed me.

Hilma: Good, that's all I want to hear and I'm glad I don't have to be controlling myself of what I let skip out of my mouth.

It was already late when we finished and no one wanted to cook so we passed by Dros to get pizza and wine for dinner. We watched movies after movie as we had our dinner and I guess we had enough wine because we both passed out on the couch. The next thing I heard was my phone ringing and it stopped before I could answer.

It was Samuel calling, I missed five calls from him and he left tons of messages. I check the time and it's 11 a.m, Hilma wasn't even here, she was on leave so she couldn't have gone to work.

I got out of bed to make myself something hot to kill the hangover and I was relieved because she left a note that she went to the shops and that she will be back shortly. Now I just have to deal with Samuel.


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