Part 23

A thousand pieces

She started walking towards us and I just stood there not knowing what to do but as she moved closer, I realised that she didn't have the concerned face on  which left me relieved so I ran to her to get that hug. The greetings went on for about five minutes, we even forgot about Samuel until he cleared his throat, I assume to remind us that he was still there.
Hilma: ( stretching out her hand to him) Hi, I'm Susan's big sister and sorry about what just happened, you must be Samuel

******^I just stood there giggling because she hardly gave him a chance to say something^****

Samuel :  I am, nice to finally meet you, she speaks highly of you

Hilma : Oh! Really? What did she say? Maybe you can join us for a cup of tea so you tell me all about it and yourself

Samuel: That is very kind of you and I would love to but I have a soccer practice to get to.

Hilma: Too bad for us then, thank you for bringing my sister home safely
The whole time they were talking,it was as if I wasn't there but I'm glad I learned one thing about him. That he plays soccer, whether it's for fun or for a living, he didn't say but it's time I find out. When they were finally done Hilma moved a few inches away to give us a chance to say our goodbyes. I thanked him and he promised to call as soon as he is home.
I should say I was a bit suprised how she was behaving towards him considering that in our last conversation, she strongly advised that I do not engage in any rebound relationship which is what I was doing. She can be over protective of me sometimes and I think that's part of the reasons why she was inviting him to come inside. She probably wanted to assess his behaviours and the kind of person he is so that she will  comment if he's the one for me or not.
I still don't know what lie I should tell her and I know she will click it out but I can't possibly tell her the truth or my whole plan with Samuel. She won't even believe that I will do such a thing and if she does, she will suggest that I put an end to it immediately. I'm even ashamed of myself knowing that what I'm doing is wrong, yet continuing with the same wicked idea.

Samuel makes me happy or at least he makes me forget about Alex for a couple of hours. I haven't been feeling sad about him leaving me like I used to, I haven't fully accepted it but I know it will all be fine with time. I would hate for anyone to take away that from me, I can't always have people taking away my happiness when they deem  suitable for themselves although sometimes it is to protect me. This time I have a bit of  control on the whole situation. Telling Hilma means that I will be giving up my plan and I'm not ready for that yet. I just don't know what I will tell her and I know she won't let me off the hook until I say something, I'm trapped. I shouldn't have let him drop me off but what's done is done and there's no going back.
Later that evening over dinner she posted the question I have been avoiding since I got here

Hilma: So, tell me about him and don't lie to me, I saw how you looked at each other. Give me all the details,

Can I not just finish eating without interruption? I guess I was too slow to finish up because my plan was to quickly finish up and go to bed early with an excuse that I had a long day and I needed a good rest. So I just sat there with eyes wide open not knowing where to start

Me: I .. .. Umm..  His name is Samuel
Hilma : That you already said when you said a friend will be dropping you off.
Hilma : Come on, don't be shy now plus I saw what was happening when I got outside

She was making it very difficult for me, I was never uncomfortable around her. I believe there's a first time to everything

She started walking towards us and I just stood there not knowing what to do but as she moved closer, I realised that she didn't have the concerned face on  which left me relieved so I ran to her to get that hug. The greetings went on for about five minutes, we even forgot about Samuel until he cleared his throat, I assume to remind us that he was still there.
Hilma: ( stretching out her hand to him) Hi, I'm Susan's big sister and sorry about what just happened, you must be Samuel

******^I just stood there giggling because she hardly gave him a chance to say something^****

Samuel :  I am, nice to finally meet you, she speaks highly of you

Hilma : Oh! Really? What did she say? Maybe you can join us for a cup of tea so you tell me all about it and yourself

Samuel: That is very kind of you and I would love to but I have a soccer practice to get to.

Hilma: Too bad for us then, thank you for bringing my sister home safely
The whole time they were talking,it was as if I wasn't there but I'm glad I learned one thing about him. That he plays soccer, whether it's for fun or for a living, he didn't say but it's time I find out. When they were finally done Hilma moved a few inches away to give us a chance to say our goodbyes. I thanked him and he promised to call as soon as he is home.
I should say I was a bit suprised how she was behaving towards him considering that in our last conversation, she strongly advised that I do not engage in any rebound relationship which is what I was doing. She can be over protective of me sometimes and I think that's part of the reasons why she was inviting him to come inside. She probably wanted to assess his behaviours and the kind of person he is so that she will  comment if he's the one for me or not.
I still don't know what lie I should tell her and I know she will click it out but I can't possibly tell her the truth or my whole plan with Samuel. She won't even believe that I will do such a thing and if she does, she will suggest that I put an end to it immediately. I'm even ashamed of myself knowing that what I'm doing is wrong, yet continuing with the same wicked idea.

Samuel makes me happy or at least he makes me forget about Alex for a couple of hours. I haven't been feeling sad about him leaving me like I used to, I haven't fully accepted it but I know it will all be fine with time. I would hate for anyone to take away that from me, I can't always have people taking away my happiness when they deem  suitable for themselves although sometimes it is to protect me. This time I have a bit of  control on the whole situation. Telling Hilma means that I will be giving up my plan and I'm not ready for that yet. I just don't know what I will tell her and I know she won't let me off the hook until I say something, I'm trapped. I shouldn't have let him drop me off but what's done is done and there's no going back.
Later that evening over dinner she posted the question I have been avoiding since I got here

Hilma: So, tell me about him and don't lie to me, I saw how you looked at each other. Give me all the details,

Can I not just finish eating without interruption? I guess I was too slow to finish up because my plan was to quickly finish up and go to bed early with an excuse that I had a long day and I needed a good rest. So I just sat there with eyes wide open not knowing where to start

Me: I .. .. Umm..  His name is Samuel
Hilma : That you already said when you said a friend will be dropping you off.
Hilma : Come on, don't be shy now plus I saw what was happening when I got outside

She was making it very difficult for me, I was never uncomfortable around her. I believe there's a first time to everything


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