Part 22

A thousand pieces

I didn't know really much about Samuel because that first day when we met we didn't talk about personal issues and I didn't ask him questions when we started due to the fact that I didn't want him to think that I only want what he has, not who he is. I know it is dump of me to get involved with a person who might be married, a gangster or just someone I wouldn't want to hang around with. But If I had to do this thing and not get attached then I don't need to know anything about him, I felt that it was the only  thing I could do to prevent myself from getting attached to him.

I didn't him ask him what he does for a living, his age, where he's from but I will be finding out soon anyway.

I travelled to the city three days before school started  and because I didn’t have family there, I always stay with Hilma, a good friend of mine while I sort out my hostel registration. Hilma is older than me and I look up to her most of the times, she had a very good job and will  be getting married soon. She's always excited to have me around because I help her clean her apartment but mostly because she loves the taste of my food. The holiday has been long too, I missed hearing from her, she has too much wisdom to offer and I love that I always come out of her place a different person.

She is the only person I told about Alex but she didn't know that I was so broken, (maybe still am) she couldn't possibly understand the pain that I was going through, no one will ever understand. But now that I was seeing Samuel for the sake of moving from Alex, I can't tell her about it because I know she will advise me against it.

The problem I have now is that they (Samuel and Hilma) both wanted to come get me from the service station when the bus drops me off. I was still not sure if I want to see Samuel but I already agreed and if I come up with an excuse then he might just click out that I'm not that into him. I also don't want him to drop me off because I don't want Hilma to see him. I intend to keep him a secret, I'm on a secret mission anyway.

Windhoek is not safe these days so I have to make a decision before I get there. I want to see Samuel too, so I keep up the act and plus I will be staying with Hilma anyway. I know she won't allow me to get a taxi when she can get me so I told her that a friend who stays close will drop me so she doesn't have to drive.

Me: Get ready, I will be there in 30 minutes
Samuel : Don't stress yourself, I'm already here, just look out for a blue Jetta

That was very thoughtful of him but it reminded me of Alex, how good he was at the beginning just for him to walk out on me.  I know I'm only with Samuel to help me with healing my broken heart but somehow I think he's just like Alex and he will leave before I put even half of my broken pieces together. I don't want that to happen but if he's like AlexH, then I won't have control of the situation. I will just have to be patient.

He must have been looking out for me because while I was getting my bags, I felt a soft tap on my shoulder and when I turned around, I saw him standing there, looking more cute than that first day when I met him. I jumped into his arms like a kid, something I told myself that I wouldn't do but what can I say, he left me breathless.

He carried my bags to his car and opened the door for me. Why is he doing this? All I wanted was something different, someone who won't remind me of Alex but I see him in every move that Samuel is making. Except the fact that Alex is good looking.

He only asked where to drop me off and the whole journey, we talked about our holidays. When we got to Hilma's place, he removed my bags and before he drove off, he gave me a forehead kiss and as he moved away I saw Hilma standing behind, smiling at me which meant that she saw everything.

Oh, My!  what am I going to do now?


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