Part 17

A thousand pieces

Here is the story of how and when I met this new guy that I accepted to be mine a few seconds ago.

I needed to do something in the two weeks before my exams started and classes have ended.
And I wanted to get out of the city and go somewhere I would forget about my problems, somewhere I know I won't be expecting to bump into Alex, the lover that went away. Somewhere I could breath freely, not that I had breathing problems but I wanted a new environment. A place that wouldn't remind me of every corner I spend time with him.  If I had wings I would fly away but well, that's not how we were created. But if I could I would fly to the Maldives, I would go to the Wayag islands of West Papua province. Somewhere I could have peace of mind.

To get away from my depressing life for a moment, I decided to go to Sandra, a friend of mine that stays in Oranjemund and she agreed. But because of her own issues that she was dealing with, we decided to go for a vacation together and immediately booked for accommodation in Langstrand, one of the fancy quiet places I know of. It is going to be our vacation from our lives and  believe me you, she needed one more than I did. And about the costs,she said I shouldn't worry because she was earning good money that side but she asked me to get transport to Oranjemund so we can drive together in her new A3 audi. The government loan had come through with refund by then so transport money to get to her wasn't an issue to me.

I'm sitting at a service station waiting for my transport which doesn't seem to be happening. The thought of staying one more day in this place overwhelmed me and I started panicking. Without realising it, I was shedding tears. I know I'm a big girl to be crying in public but sometimes when it's got you,it got you. So there I am making a fool out of myself, crying over some boy who probably already forgot my name. I hated the fact that even when he left me so broken, I still talk to strangers about him and I still miss him so much. It has been nearly two months since the day he left me but I feel like it has been yesterday. I'm still living in hope that one day, he would come looking for me.
It was hard to stop crying but eventually I did.

The guy that I'm supposed to be driving with said he will be at the service station in about 10 minutes time and asked me to look out for a red polo. Oh, My! What do I do now? My eyes are red and swollen. But what other choice do I have if I didn't want to look stupid as I felt now? So I gathered myself together and went inside the shop to get water and sweets for the journey.

I get out of the shop and when I held my head up, I saw him standing by the only red car at the service station. I hope I will be driving with this cute creature, I said to myself.


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