Part 6

A thousand pieces

Part 6

Who is this guy? Was all I could ask myself when I entered. I knew he graduated from Polytechnic of Namibia (now NUST) with a degree in environmental science before pursuing his aviation dream. What I didn’t know was what he did with it or what he does in his free time. I’m saying that because his inside apartment was breathtakingly fancy, the place is so clean with a simple yet elegant décor. I have never seen such a huge TV in my life, the two piece of art hanging on the wall looked so amazing and matching his everything which was grey and/or maroon. Everything is nicely put together and as I stood there admiring the sitting room and the kitchen, I couldn’t help but wonder how the bedroom looked like so I asked him if I can have a peek at his bedroom, he didn’t resist therefore he directed me to his room. Almost the whole room was made up of mirrors and he had different colours in it, brown and cream. I could only imagine the time and effort put in. I had to ask if anyone did his décor and setting but it was apparently just him with a little help from his young brother. Well, I have to say that he has got a good taste when it comes to décor and setting.
Me: Okay, can you now tell me what we are doing here?
Him: Yes, I was just waiting for you to finish. (Taking my hand) come with me
Him: (When we got downstairs) Since you prepared lunch, now it’s my turn to show you what I have got
He gave me juice and I sat by the dinner table. I watched him move up and down as he prepares the food and talking to me about cars and planes. He served me when he was done and boy, I have never felt insulted in my life, I thought I was good but this guy did better than me. It would be an understatement if I said the food was delicious, I need a better word. It was so good, I almost asked for a second plate but I had to behave myself.
Me: (After we finished) So where is your lucky lady? I mean to ask if you have a girlfriend
Him: I think it’s funny because I get asked that a lot but if I have to answer you, no, I don’t have one. I haven’t had a girlfriend since I left high school.
Me: Whaaat? That was like six years ago, why though?
Him: I guess I haven’t found her yet and plus relationships bring complications so I rather have a fling for not more than two weeks.
Me: Well, I hope you find her when you are ready. But wait, is that what you have in mind for me?
Him: (LOL) No, you are my friend and I don’t do that to friends so you can relax
Me: Good because I would have left if that was the case.
Him: Do you mind watching a movie with me?
Me: If it’s just a movie, I don’t mind

Fast and furious 7 was released a couple of weeks back and he said he was waiting for me to finish with exams so we watch together. I have to admit that this isn’t what I had in mind when we first got here, dinner, movie, what could be next? I love cuddling, I think it has got to be a hobby. Since it was cold, he brought a throw for us, even better for me because I will get some closure. I moved close and leaned on him as we watched the fate of the furious. I don’t even know how it happened, the next thing I heard was him waking me up so he takes me back to campus. When we got there, he escorted me to my room because it was now late and dark. He asked for a goodnight hug and I let him get it, he didn’t want to let go of me instead he leaned in for a kiss and that’s when I pulled out. I told him I couldn’t so instead I thanked him for taking his whole day off to spend it with me (Remember when I rushed to him downstairs, did laundry, cooked, slept and everuthing?). We said our goodbyes and he was gone.


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