Part 5

A thousand pieces

Part 5

It would be an understatement if I say I was I was shocked because it was beyond that, I was out of words, my breath was gone. Okay, I know we are just friends but couldn’t he at least leave a note or text. I don’t understand how someone can just disappear, we didn’t argue after all. But maybe this is some sort of message (Actions speak louder than words, I have heard of that saying my whole life), or maybe that’s just him. I’m in shock, I can’t even think straight. Or maybe I said something that offended him so I’m there replaying the conversations we had earlier perhaps I can pick up something that shows that I have gone out of line somewhere but I couldn’t get anything. My mind is flooded with thoughts; I almost went crazy. To get rid of the traumatizing (LOL, I know it wasn’t that deep but that would be the word if I have to exaggerate) event of coming to an empty room where I was supposed to find someone, I decided to play music and practice my dance moves (something I was good at).

“Be ready in 30 minutes, I will be there to pick you up” he texted after almost two housr of wondering what on earth is wrong with him. I took a quick shower and dressed in my favourite warm clothes for it was winter. I was so excited that I made it quick, I was done by the time he came to my room.

Him: Why are you all dressed up? Going somewhere?

Me: (Mouth wide open, I couldn’t even respond)

Him: I’m kidding, shall we?

Me: (After punching him) of course but don’t ever do that again, it wasn’t funny

Me: So where are you taking me?

Him: You will find out when we get there

Me: ummhh, are you going to kill me or what? Because I’m not ready, I have my whole life ahead of me

Him: (dragging me downstairs) woman, stop being so negative and move

So I shut it and followed him to the car, he opened the door for me and told me not to worry because I’m safe with him. I didn’t have anything planned for the night so I got in. And I wasn’t fully satisfied with his reply about where we are going so I kept insisting all the way to which he did not open up. He stopped at some high class bachelor flats by Grove mall

Me: What are we doing here?

Him: We are here

This guy is full of surprises. In my mind I thought he was taking me to movies or something similar. I was a bit disappointed yet trusting him, I followed him inside.


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