Part 10

A thousand pieces
Part 10

I didn't have classes this Friday and he was free or perhaps he just made time. He came over to my room in the morning before I was even awake telling me that there is a place he needs to check out but he doesn't want to go alone
Me: Does it have to be now? I didn't even shower let alone take breakfast
Him: I will let you take a shower, I will prepare breakfast in the meantime. Just don't take forever

Remembering that he is a good cook and because I wasn't going to stay in bed all day long, I accepted.
I get back from the shower and the guy is under blankets.
Me: (shaking him) You? Wake up
Him: What is it now?
Me: You promised breakfast, that's what it is
Me: Or do you want me to join you?
Him: No, get dressed. We will get breakfast in town
Me: But I wanted the one you promised that's why I agreed to go with you wherever you want to go with me today
Him: I wanted to but you don't have  everything I need
Me: Okay, that's not funny
 but I'm still not going with you on an empty stomach
Him: Do you ever listen? Just finish up,I have got a plan
Him: And I can't find my phone, can I use yours to dial my number
Me: Sure
He saw what I saved him and he asked why I added an H at the end of his name.
Me: It must have been a mistake which I never got to correct, I will do it later if you don't mind.
Him: I don't think it's a mistake though, I think I know perfectly what the H stands for
Me: Believe whatever you want, what I said is the truth
That wasn't a mistake at all, I wasn't just ready to tell him. I finished up and we were out of campus
 We had breakfast at Street Cuisine in town and because we have been talking the whole time, we didn't even realise the time go by because it turned out we have been there for about three hours

I thought he was driving us to Okahandja but he got off the main road going to his right. He stopped by the roadside and asked me to drive.
Me: Why? I don't even know where we are going
Him: I know, I will direct you
Me: Where are we going? For real now
Him: Elisenheim, it's not far and don't be afraid you are with me

He must have seen the look in my eyes for him to say that because I had so many thoughts running through my mind. I was excited that he gave me his keys to drive but I was also afraid of where he was taking me. I got more afraid when we got to a gravel road,I thought he was going to rape me or kill me and leave me there begging for my life with no one around to give a helping hand. The more he told me to keep driving the more I got afraid. I couldn't see any sign of people or cars moving around and I was too terrified to even say what I feel because what if he attacks me right there? I know there was a road which looked like it's used often but I was still afraid. And what scared me the most is the fact he was calm all along. I don't know if it's stupidity or trust but I kept on going and finally, I saw an entrance with "welcome to Elisenheim" in big capital letters. Oh! I was so relieved and all he could do was laugh at me at how terrified I looked, whether it was because I'm driving or the strange place, it was just funny to him. We signed before entering and when we were inside
Him: Thank you for bringing us here, I will take it from here
We exchanged seats again. He said he wanted to move here some time in future so we are just to see if we can get any favourable dwelling. We drove through and around checking for all 'To let' and 'For Sale' houses and apartments, giving a closer more detailed look at the ones still under construction and almost complete. Everything here is marvellous and the place loks more quiet and it is fancy as it looks. I can't believe I almost wet my pants over nothing
He was about to tell me something on our way back but he got a call from his brother before he could start so he dropped me off at campus and told me that we will continue when he's done with whatever his brother called him for.


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