Part 2

A thousand pieces
Part 2
Normally when you give your number to a guy, the first thing they want is to immediately date you, apparently all inlove already, lies, liar. The most important thing they want to know is when you will get a chance to visit them, they want to get you to their rooms and see if they can fool you into sleeping with them. The ones that do that are boys, those immature big men that still has some growing up to do. Anyway, let me not bore you with that. My new found friend was different, not friendship really, maybe just two people who know each other because after that day he didn’t text or call for about three weeks, I almost even forgot about him. I didn’t even remember his face until he posted a picture on his WhatsApp status and I thought he looked different. Only then I realized that I haven’t been paying attention to him that first day.
So I was bored this other day after school and I couldn’t disturb my friends because they were studying for their upcoming tests. So I decided to text him but just to say hi and he was apparently in the gym (hmmm, he gyms? Then it must mean that he looks good) and now I couldn’t wait to see him and pay attention to the muscular body. I told him that I was bored so he asked me to ask him to come over and I did. He was at my room in like 20 minutes (that must have been fast). He wore green shorts, now I was paying attention and he had the muscles, just like how I anticipated. But what would you expect from a guy who gyms? (Yeah, I thought the same). Now it was really a getting to know each other session and all that. He had to rush somewhere after an hour and when he left I should say he had taken boredom with him because it was gone after he left (obviously). I liked him since then, mostly for the fact that we only talked when it’s necessary.

There was a protest at school before exams started and I went to join the other students after my evening study session. I woke the next day to a WhatsApp text from him, it was a picture of me in the crowd (from the previous night) and he was like “No Suzzy no, what’s this? I mean what were you even doing there?” I had to act as if I was surprised but in my mind I’m like, my new friend cares, like really? (oooh) that is so sweet of him. Whether he meant it or not, it didn’t matter to me. I was all smiles till the end of the day. 


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